My Story

Ed supports personal development and the expansion of Awareness as a Mindset Trainer and Results Coach. Ed is a Thinking Into Results Consultant making use of his extensive study and with Program Developers Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher. He continues his education and study of the MIND at the Proctor Gallagher Institute. He is a regular contributor to Bob Proctor’s Matrixx program as a table facilitator, working closely with Bob and event participants. He has a passion for inspiring greatness in people, creating platforms for change and abundance through his coaching and mentor ship.

Ed has a powerful presentation entitled The Mind and The Money which he regularly shares through live presentations and webinar’s. He is an expert in developing and facilitating Masterminds, bringing together people from all over the world to share ideas and create platforms for accountability and growth. Ed regularly puts together Mastermind study programs of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and the Classic text “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles to introduce the information to the masses.

All of the programs Ed works with are designed to expand awareness and understanding of how to create the results you want. At the end of the day, what happened yesterday has no bearing on what is possible for you tomorrow. He is excited to share with you the simple, yet often hidden pathways to your success, well being and abundance.

Ed is always developing materials to support his clients, such as his soon to be released books entitled Welcome to Your Life and Mary From Heaven.

On a personal level, Ed loves the competitive nature of sports and the creative opportunities that are present in just about everything that crosses his path. He is inspired by music and he appreciates “greatness”, in any form. He is the very proud Father of 3 and “Papa” to 4 AMAZING grandchildren.